Dominoes are small, rectangular blocks that can be stacked on end to form long lines. When one domino in a line is tipped over, it causes the next domino to tip over and so on. These chain reactions can lead to a great deal of fun, but they also demonstrate how something as simple as one action can have much larger consequences. This concept is sometimes referred to as the domino effect, where an initial event leads to a series of events that have even greater–and sometimes catastrophic–consequences.

Many people use dominoes to create works of art, building structures that can be arranged in various ways to make intricate designs. For example, artists can create curved lines, grids that form pictures when tipped over, stacked walls, or 3D structures such as pyramids. The artist may plan out the design on paper before constructing it, or the process may be more spontaneous and creative.

Domino art is an excellent way to exercise the brain. It requires planning, patience, and careful observation to complete. It can also be a rewarding and fun activity for the entire family to participate in. The artist can choose any theme or style that they would like to explore, and the results can be stunning.

When a person sets out to accomplish a goal, they must pick the right “dominoes” that will help them achieve it. These dominoes must be challenging and require a chunk of time and focus to complete, but they will ultimately help the person reach their destination. The person must also rank the dominoes according to their importance and tackle the biggest challenge first, since it will have the most impact on their success.

While a domino can be used for a variety of games, most people are familiar with the traditional domino set consisting of 55 square tiles with the number 1 printed on each side. This type of domino is commonly referred to as a double-nine or a double-twelve. In addition to the standard set, several other types of extended dominoes exist that allow players to create more complex chains.

These additional sets of dominoes increase the maximum number of possible combinations of ends by adding more pips to each end. Commonly referred to as double-nine, double-12, or double-15, these additional dominoes can be combined to create longer chains and more elaborate patterns.

In business, the term domino refers to a significant task that must be completed before another project can begin. This is important because it helps a company stay on track and avoid being derailed by a smaller task that can cause big problems in the long run.

During his tenure as CEO of Domino’s, David Brandon promoted the value of championing workers. This included participating in employee training programs and speaking directly to employees about the issues they faced on the job. This strategy helped Domino’s turn around its poor reputation, and it became a top workplace.