The Domino Effect Explained
Dominoes are a family of tile-based games played with gaming pieces. The tiles (also called bones, cards, men, or pieces) are rectangular in shape with a line dividing them into two square ends. Each end is marked with a number of spots, also known as “pips” or “dots,” and may be blank on the back.
A traditional European domino set consists of 28 tiles, which feature all combinations of spot counts between zero and six. These pieces are shuffled together into a stock, or boneyard, that each player draws from in play.
In most domino games, the aim is to empty one’s hand while blocking the opponent’s. Players draw seven tiles from the stock to begin each round, and a game is won when all of the winning players’ tiles are played. Some games, such as 5s-and-3s, are scoring versions, in which points are scored when five or three of the pips at one end can be arranged into a sum that is divisible by five or three.
When the first domino is knocked down, the next one will follow suit unless a player makes a special effort to prevent it. Hence the name “domino effect.”
The Domino Effect Explained
Stephen Morris, an associate professor of physics at the University of Toronto, explains that the domino effect is based on gravity. Standing a domino upright, against the pull of gravity, gives it potential energy, or the stored energy based on its position. Then, when the domino falls, this potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
This creates a chain reaction, which Morris calls the “domino effect.” It’s also influenced by a theory about Communism and its spread during the Cold War. According to this idea, once a country becomes Communist, it’s more likely to attract other small countries that want to join in.
Another idiom about the domino effect is “the falling domino theory.” It refers to the fact that when Communism takes hold in a single nation, it is more likely to spread to other smaller nations in Asia and Eastern Europe.
The domino effect is not limited to politics, however; it can also be applied to a person’s life. For example, a 2012 study found that when people reduce their sedentary leisure time, they also tend to eat less fat.
Similarly, if someone changes a habit, such as reducing their calorie intake, the change will be felt immediately. But, for the change to be long-lasting, it must become a part of their everyday routine.
The first step is to identify the dominos that must be removed from a person’s daily routine. This will help determine which habits to replace them with, and the order in which to do it. Then, once the new habits are established, it’s important to keep them up. Eventually, the new habits will become part of our daily routine and they’ll start to affect other areas of our lives.